banniere CCI 2

The bike-traveller's handbook

Please note: obsolete edition from 2017. New 2025 edition here

Indispensable information before you head off up the road


MVV 2017You're planning a bike trip? Good news! But maybe you have questions to ask.

Well, we have the answer. Our Manuel du Voyage à Vélo - written in French - will take you from the most basic to the most advanced. It's not just another cycling guide; it's written by our own members with their enormous experience of all the roads of the planet.

Whether you're leaving for a year or a few days, by yourself or as a family, near where you live or on a distant continent, we have the advice and the answers. How to you choose a bike. How to choose camping gear and then carry it. How to travel with your bike by train, plane and ship. How to choose all you'll need. How to stay safe. And so much more.
The fifth editionappeared in January 2013. A new one is on the way, expanded, updated and full of help.

To download, click here:
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The manual is also on sale at our Festival du Voyage à Vélo in Paris every January. Or you can order it direct from the CCI by downloading this order form:
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Other places to find the manual.

240 pages, 335g. Price: €17 plus €3.50 postage.

ISBN : 978-2-9503159-3-9

Why not order the latest edition now!

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